
February 14, 2006

I'll be back

Ok, that was a REALLY long silence. Been busy with a bunch of things. I'll be back with new posts soon.

January 08, 2006


So I've finally managed to enable blogging via email on this blog, which means I have even less excuse not to blog regularly. Currently not supported are images and multiple categories in moblog entries. Also, a new 3-column layout and the option to subscribe, RSS and email (your emails will NEVER be shared with anybody else :)

January 04, 2006

Blogging sucks if you don't have the time

And this blog now officially sucks considering how little time I get to spend on it!

So let's say spending more time maintaining this blog is one of my resolutions for this year.

December 13, 2005

Back from hibernation

Been in hibernation the last couple of weeks. Lots of catching up to do .. in no particular order.

November 28, 2005

Let's catch up ..

Long weekend's over. Lots of catching up to do ...

November 05, 2005


OK, I finally found time to enable a WYSIWYG editor on this blog using the Ajaxify EnhanceEntryEditing plugin. Another one that looks good and I might try is FCKeditor.

October 31, 2005

Let's get started ...

Ok so I have finally decided to open source my ramblings and create a public blog. In the pages that will follow, I hope to capture, on a regular enough basis, the latest buzz in the world of technology .. served with ample portions of my own thoughts and ideas on why we don't already have flying cars and other such things.

I actually made the decision to do this a week or so back. Spent the last week experimenting with blog sites, both paid and free, and finally decided to get my own hosted space. The choice of my name as the domain name, though utterly immodest, was driven by my need to also use this site for my photo albums and wikis besides other blogs.

So much to do, so little time. Let's get started.