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December 23, 2005

Alexa opens up API

This is huge, and I hadn't ignored it, just didn't get the time to blog it sooner. Alexa, the search company owned by Amazon has decided to open its API and make its index available for anyone to query. It is available as a set of web services through the Alexa Web Search Platform and integrated with Amazon Web Services. The first 10,000 requests per month are free. As John Battekke notes, their databases have about 5 billion documents in its index - about 100 terabytes of data. This will allow creation of all kinds of new vertical search engines.

Also covered on Techcrunch and Wired, and discussed on Slashdot.

December 21, 2005

Virtual NYC Tour

Navigate through the streets of New York while viewing thousands of pictures, visiting hundreds of stores and reading the city’s famous history.

That's Virtual NYC Tour, a Google Maps mashup that was recently launched by a good friend of mine. The virtual trails (17 as of now) were painstakingly created by taking thousands of pictures on the streets of New York (a dangerous proposition as every New Yorker would know) and compiling information on hundreds of city stores and landmarks.

There's a lot coming where this came from, so stay tuned and take a virtual hike. Also covered on Google Maps Mania and Programmable Web.

Google Modules

Google ModulesGet your Google personalized homepage widgets at Google Modules.

December 16, 2005

Gmail mobile

GmailGmail mobile ... works like a charm from my Palm smartphone :)

December 14, 2005

Ruby on Rails 1.0 released

Ruby on Rails 1.0 has finally been released. From the article, Rails 1.0 is mostly about making all the work we've been doing solid. So no new features in this release. The website has a brand new look though.

Discussed here on Slashdot. More about RoR on their wiki.


Google announced on their blog, a new Google Homepage API for their personalized home pages that allows users to create custom widgets. Some of their own, and 3rd party widgets can be found in the gallery.

Yahoo had recently announced an upgraded widget engine built on Konfabulator that Yahoo had acquired earlier. Unlike Google's and Microsoft's live.com (covered earlier), Yahoo's widget engine runs on the desktop rather than in a browser .. exactly like Mac OS X dashboard widgets. Yahoo incidentally is also offering a Mac version of their widget engine.

Google's widgets discussed on Slashdot here, Yahoo's here.

UPDATE: Google widgets also covered on Techcrunch. 

December 13, 2005

Windows Live Local

MSN Virtual Earth service was relaunched as Windows Live Local. New features include birds eye view which are arial photographs taken at an angle and make more sense in identifying landmarks.

Michael at Techcrunch has a review, as does Charlene at Forrester.

Yahoo! acquires Del.icio.us

Yahoo.icio.us!This is my favourite news from last week. Yahoo! has acquired the kick ass Del.icio.us.

The above logo borrowed from Pete Cashmore's Mashable. Also covered on Techcrunch.

Back from hibernation

Been in hibernation the last couple of weeks. Lots of catching up to do .. in no particular order.

December 01, 2005

Rich Internet applications at Backbase

Great use of AJAX at Backbase. More information on their blog.


GTalkr, a web based flash powered IM client that communicates with Google Talk was launched yesterday. What's cool is that it can interface with other flash based services, the new beta Yahoo Maps (reviewed earlier) being one of them and also allow developers to create new extensions.

Whether AJAX is the new Flash, or AJAX competes with Flash, they're both increasingly turning up in cool apps. TechCrunch also discusses GTalkr.

Viamatic foXpose

I absolutely love exposé on my Mac. This firefox extension does something similar with all the tabs on your browser. Very cool, check it out.

They also have other cool firefox extensions on their website. 

Video Skype released

Skype is finally catching up with other IMs (Yahoo, MSN and AOL) in terms of features with it's new version that includes video. Version 2.0 beta, reviewed here at Techworld is currenty only available for Windows however.

Mentioned at TechCrunch here and also discussed at Slashdot.